
Growing Up Too Fast

     David is now about 15 months old and is just incredible. Though I admit we are having some trouble with bedtime he is a joy to be around.

     Yesterday I noticed a new behavior. We gave him a pair of 3-d glasses to play with. He didn't want to wear them but seemed to get quite a kick out of seeing mom and grandma wear them.

     I was sitting in the living room with a tray table in front of me. It had several items that he was told not to touch when he reached for them. Anyway, he gave me the glasses and insisted I put them on and as before I pretended not to see when I wore them. When he saw me wearing them and doing my "where is David" act like I was blinded, I saw him staring intently at my eyes while he slowly attempted to reach for the "no items" on the tray table. When I took the glasses off he moved his hand away. Are they supposed to be so sneeky at this age?

Photo by Abbybatchelder


Unknown said...

that is too funny! Sounds like you have a mister little smarty pants on your hands.

I think that kids are much smarter than we give them credit for.