
His Birthday Part 4

     While they were cleaning and checking both the baby and LM, I went down to the waiting room where my son was sitting and told him to come back to the room that it was over. We already knew it was going to be a boy.
     I could actually see the tears forming in my sons eyes when he saw his nephew for the first time.The baby was small but healthy. Later on my husband and neighbors came to see the new baby and were delighted. We all left so LM could rest.

     I took a cab there in the morning to help and be with LM and she said she had the baby with her in the room most of the night. She was nervous and a little overwhelmed and asked that I stay overnight with her there the second night. When the baby was born, LM got to choose one person to wear the wristband which would allow them access to the baby in the nursery and also to stay beyond visiting hours.I was that person so I agreed to stay.